Keep in touch - Android chat application

August 11, 2016

Keep in touch is a chat application for Android. It comprises an Android application made with Android Studio and a Scala backend written with the Play framework.

My focus was on the Android application and a colleague took care of the backend.

In order to keep a bidirectional connection to send new messages and notifications, we used long polling. Long polling is a web communication technique used to achieve real-time updates or push notifications from a server to a client over the HTTP protocol. Unlike traditional polling, where the client repeatedly sends requests to the server at fixed intervals, long polling allows the server to hold a request open until new data is available.

We added some features such as groups and notifications.

Keep in touch Keep in touch Keep in touch Keep in touch Keep in touch Keep in touch Keep in touch Keep in touch Keep in touch Keep in touch Keep in touch Keep in touch Keep in touch

Screenshot of the app