
December 19, 2016

Swapp is a web platform designed for swapping items with others, offering features such as item search, addition, and proposal creation. The site incorporates social functionalities and notification systems to enhance user interaction. Developed with the Django REST Framework and Angular 2, Swapp showcases a seamless integration of these technologies to create a dynamic and engaging swapping experience.

Key Features:

  • Django REST Framework Backend: Swapp's backend is powered by the Django REST Framework, providing a robust and scalable foundation for managing data, user interactions, and authentication. This choice ensures efficient handling of requests and responses, facilitating a smooth user experience.

  • Angular 2 Frontend: Swapp's frontend is built using Angular 2, a modern and powerful JavaScript framework for developing dynamic web applications. Angular 2 enhances the user interface with its component-based architecture, offering a responsive and interactive platform for users to search, add items, and make propositions seamlessly.


Swapp enables users to explore, add, and propose swaps for items, fostering a community-driven platform for collaborative exchange. The incorporation of social functionalities and notification systems enhances user engagement, providing a comprehensive and user-friendly swapping experience.

How to Use:

Explore the Swapp platform on the GitHub repository to gain insights into its functionality and technical implementation. Developers and enthusiasts interested in the Django REST Framework and Angular 2 can examine the codebase to understand how these technologies are harmoniously integrated to create a feature-rich swapping website.

In summary, Swapp is a technical showcase of how Django REST Framework and Angular 2 come together to create a dynamic and social platform for item swapping. Whether you're interested in the technology stack or exploring new avenues for collaborative exchange, Swapp on GitHub offers a valuable resource for exploration and understanding.

Check it out here https://github.com/BasileVu/swapp.

Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot of the website